Carmen Tellez Whittier party entertainment balloon art face painter whittier balloon art los angeles oc orange county socal

charmandhappy logo cartoon socal

  • 562-237-3327 call or text SoCal
  • 877-725-6967 Nationwide Artists
  • REVIEWS - and ABOUT Carmen Tellez
  • AS SEEN ON TV and the NEWS
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  • Liability INSURANCE certificate available
  • Confidentiality Agreement gladly signed for high profile clients and celebrity family events

America Says Season 2 episode SoCal Clowns and Magicians on March 15, 2019 at 9 pm!  #AmericaSays on @GameShowNetwork

The Variety Artist show host John Abrams interviews SoCal family entertainment business owner Carmen Tellez

May 2018 The Variety Artist show host John Abrams interviews SoCal family entertainment business owner Carmen Tellez
#BuildingaThrivingEntertai nmentBusiness
http:// carmen-tellez/

Heart Walk 2017 featuring artist entertainer Carmen Tellez of

Life is why we walk.

Thanks to all our walkers, donors and volunteers at Heart Walk Los Angeles who have accepted the challenge to help fight heart disease and stroke. We cannot achieve our mission without each one of you! Special thanks to Carmen Tellez of for participating with balloon art and face painting September 23rd, 2017.

latimes article about balloon artist SoCal featuring Edding Medrano, Buster Balloon, Annie Bananie, Carmen Tellez, The Wacko Show

latimes newspaper interview with balloon artist socal carmen tellez

carmen tellez puts on balloon hat for latimes newspaper reporter at Griddle Cafe Hollywood2010 Eddie Medrano of invited Carmen Tellez to his LA Times newspaper interview for an article (click to read) featuring top Balloon Artistsat the Griddle Cafe in Hollywood on Sunset Blvd.

carmen tellez bbb news article


2008 TV SHOW 1vs. 100 with host BOB SAGET featuring CARMEN TELLEZ as CharmandHappy CLOWN, Fabio, the late night Quiestion Mark man

Carmen tellez face painter chosen for Olympic Trials even in Eugene, Oregon sponsored by Bank of America

July 4, 2008 Eugene, Oregon
Carmen Tellez and another face painter from had the honor of face painting guests at the 4th of July 2008 celebration for the Olympics trials in Eugene, Oregon. We had a long line for about 6 hours. I was told out of at least 125 booths that ours had the most guests at any given time just to get thier faces painted. Even the Oregon mascot Duck got his face painted.

Visit to see other guests at our booth Cheer for the USA Olympics Teams. You can also do a YouTube search for America's Cheer Olympics and find others.

1996 CharmandHappy getting recognition from Pico Rivera Sheriff Station for community involvement by entertaining families for National Night Out.

Certificate Carmen Tellez 1997 Whittier Sheriffs training center

July 1997 Carmen Tellez successfully completed a regional Community Academy conducted by Sheriff's Department in Los Angeles County at the Whititier, CA Sheriffs Training Center. Training included attending a 12 week coarse studying law enforcement procedures such as drug awareness, bomb threats, 911 handling call center, local jail facility tour among the few studies.

Charm with Priscilla Mooseburger clown

balloon town usa 2007 carmen tellez charmandhappy

November 8, 2007, is Guiness World Record Day, and Carmen Tellez of in Pico Rivera, CA flew to Cincinnati, Ohio to participate among 60 of Steve Jones' closest friends and associates from around the world are celebrating the day by attempting to create the world's largest balloon sculpture!

Steven Jones of Aeration Decorations, based in Cincinnati, leads an international team of balloon designers with the 4th annual BalloonTown USA event. The event is at Cincinnati Mills Mall in the old Media Play building. Artists are attending from throughout the United States, Europe and Israel.

Over 150,000 balloons will be used to break the existing record set in 2003 by an Italian team of balloon designers. Their sculpture used just over 59,000 balloons, so the Cincinnati effort should easily surpass the record.

The event was open to the public. The event is also a charity fund raiser. Proceeds from the project will be donated to St. Rita School for the Deaf and the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati.

A press conference took place at BalloonTown USA on Thursday, November 8th at 10:00 AM. At that time, there was an official ribbon cutting ceremony and guided tour through the completed sculpture.


Harry Connick Jr. serenaded by Pink Gorilla on his birthday while on the TV show set of Will & provided a singing telegram pink gorilla for singer/actor Harry Connick Jr. on TV show set Will & Grace.

NYGoofs student Carmen Tellez of 2005

September 2005 to see photos of Carmen (Charm) from her adventures at This is a two week jam packed educational coarse on comedy movements and skit writing and character developement. Taught by former Ringling College instruction Dick Monday and Big Apple Circus Ruben AKA Gramma.

San Gabriel Valley Tribune Header May 21, 2003

charm whittier clown

WHITTIER DAILY NEWS, June 4th, 2003 (page A2)

Charm in SGV Tribune Newspaper

May 21, 2003 Frontpage. Notice the young girl Stephanie in pink. She works at the circus. She has appeared on commercials, in movies in English and Spanish and in Circus Vargas promotional videos. Charm was honored to be educated about the circus by her. Read more of the SGVTribune.


Moosburger Clown Camp in Minnesota 2002. The highest level of clown variety education offered in the country. Owned and operated by former Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey circus clowns. visit

Frosty Little Carmen Tellez at Mooseburger clown arts campJuly 2002 Charm went to Mooseburger Clown Camp of Minnesota. She took Frosty Little (Ringling Brothers Last Master Clown, now retired) Circus Clown Course. She participated in the stage movements, expressions, comedy delivery, timing needed in performing in the All Star Show for the public on August 1st. The show aird on NBC channel 4 and KTLA channell 11 and Minnesota news stations with Pie Town Productions TV Show Lifes Moments about successfull women.

charm clown as guest principal at Rancho Santa Gertrudes elementary school

Carmen Tellez Principal for a Day 2001

March 21, 2001 Charm was invited by Principal Mr. Vasquez at Rancho Santa Gertrudes Elementary School to be honored as "Principal for a Day". This was a community effort organized by the Whittier Chamber of Commerce to pull local schools and business entities together. Carmen and other honorary principals at other schools in Whittier experienced first hand the role of a principal. Sheesh, I thought all they did was wait for bad kids to go the office to be told to behave or do homework next time. No, no, no. By far not the case. From the moment I walked in the office, the phone was ringing. Signatures were needed for this and for that. Research was required for this Educating seminar for teachers and that field trip for the kids. read more...

Certificate ringling circus works for Carmen Tellez

July 23, 1994 Carmen Tellez attended Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus teachers program titled CircusWorks. A circus themed hands on 1/2 day seminar especially designed for creative educators who believe that learning. Should be fun. Carmen Tellez was prepared to integrate studies across the teaching curriculum using exciting circus themed activities with emphasis on math, science, physics, language arts, social studies, geography, animals, history, health and cross-cultural studies.

sir speedy printing newsletter featuring Carmen Tellez Graphic Artist as moonlighting clown of

Carmen Tellez had a 9 to 5 from 1994 to 1998, working at Sir Speedy printing (trained in ALL aspects of the printshop) as then Electronic Pre-Press Graphic Artist Manager. Owners Loren and Doug Van Tuyl sent out a newsletter to their entire client list featuring her as a moonlighting clown of and the rest is history.

charm blesingCharm believes that clowning is more than just putting on a costume and some big shoes to match a big nose. Clowning is heart felt way of life. Yet it is an extension of theatre art. Sure, anyone can easily buy a halloween costume and some greasy make-up to call themself a clown. Not just anyone can extend a true warmth of comedy.


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Sing along to the CHARMandHAPPY JINGLE Lyrics Magician Face Painter Balloon Artist Birthday Clown Downey Whittier Los Angeles Menifee Hemet San Jacinto MoVal Temecula Orange County